For Venues and Spaces
Big Little Markets are the perfect activation to pop up in any space and transform a dull zone into one that will encourage foot traffic to your shopping centre, car park, field, venue, business, place or space.
We can find ways to work with most spaces; we simply ask that you work with us in making the event a great one that everyone will enjoy! We ask that you help promote the event using your social media too!
Big Little Markets events are run at different venues across Victoria and host a variety of themes. Check out our upcoming markets and events to see which pop-up market suits your venue or space.
We can also tailor our events to suit your requirements. If you have something particular in mind, drop us a line. We have hundreds of suppliers and stallholders on file that we can utilise for any activation.
Big Little Markets are run by Redsteps, a marketing agency located in Melbourne’s South East. Working with councils, shopping centres and also running our own events, we have a strong track record of events that are popular and well attended.
We are passionate about delivering events where stallholders can sell their products and customers love attending so that venues are filled with boosted foot traffic.


We can provide themed market stalls for any existing activity that you are running to help make your event a bigger and more interactive experience.
Our minimum size requirements for a stall is 2m x 2m per stall and we love to bring a minimum of 10 stalls but can book up to 70 stalls for an event.
If you need a full scale event for your venue, Big Little Markets can help you create your themed event!
We are experienced event organisers and can bring any area to life. We can provide full event management, risk assessments, run sheets and project management to deliver any successful event.
We are experienced at running events in conjunction with event managers.
If you would like part of an event managed by Big Little Markets and want to run part of an event yourself, or have another supplier you want to work with, we can work with you to deliver a memorable event.

Our events are promoted right here on our website to ensure that people can find our events and join in the fun!

Big Llittle Markets utilise the venue we are running the event at to promote each our events. As partt of these promotions we will use posters and signs at the venue as well as roadside billboards, flags and balloons where we can.

To book a pop up market to come to your venue, shopping centre, car park, business, park or other space, we typically need four months notice.
Get in touch with us and discuss what you are offering in terms of space, how you can help promote the event and what else you have planned for the event day. If there is space for over 30 stalls, if you have a strong promotions plan and event strategy, we might be able to bring a pop-up market to you for a minimal fee.
- Stallholders are not permitted to pack up before events conclude.
- Site access for set up is 3 hours before the event.
- Final site maps and run sheets will be provided to stakeholders 1-2 weeks before the event.
- Please provide a site map with location preferences for the event.
- Please note final site map locations may change on the day of the event.
- Redsteps reserve the right to relocate vendors for better fit and to avoid gaps.
- Bump out concludes one hour after the event finish time. Should bump out be required after trading hours, extra charges will apply.
- Please outline on your site map where we will have access to toilets, power, water.
- All vendors will be required to provide their Public Liability Insurance Certificate of Currency with their application.
- Redsteps holds $20 million public liability and conducts risk assessments with every event.
- All food vendors will be required to provide us with a copy of their Streatrader licence.
- Vendor selection is at the sole discretion of Redsteps. Venue can provide exclusions of stall types or provide guidelines as to stall types.
- Stakeholders must respond accordingly and cooperatively with all Event Management Staff
- The Event Organiser has the right to leave the premises should stakeholder behaviour be inappropriate or unsafe or breaches the vendors terms and conditions.
- Stakeholders agree that during the event, the event organisers will be conducting videography and photography which may be published for the purposes of Redsteps and future event promotions.
- Should the event be postponed due to bad weather or other circumstance we will reschedule the event to the next best date available for the location.
- In the circumstances an event is cancelled due to extreme weather conditions and a replacement date cannot be established within 30 days of the original event date, Redsteps holds the right to retain fees for any works completed to date if event organisers have been paid any fees to host the event.